Saturday, February 14, 2004

Commercial sentiment

Now listening to: Jawbreaker

Well it's Valentine's Day and I've sat at home all day and generally hate life. TV is loaded with romantic comedies and sentimental claptrap that makes me feel like the loneliest human being around. I loathe this holiday, it's the absolute worst. I used to hate X-mas more, but recently X-mas has been better and Valentine's Day worse.

The whole thing is designed to make the single person feel completely inadequate and need consumer therapy. So more spending, or if you are with someone you are obligated to spend a ton. I heard a commercial on the radio telling us "fellows" that V-Day is the one time of year where you can show your other how you really feel. Hmmm, what about the other 365 days of the year? Didn't I hear that same damn thing on X-mas?

Anyway besides feeling fat, ugly and lonely I've not done much. I finished reading Big Deal by Anthony Holden, which was good. A biographer's account of his one year as a poker professional. I also watched the Young Lions. Marlon Brando was exquisite as always as a conflicted German soldier during WWII. The man is simply the best actor ever. Admittedly, he's made some bad choices the last few years (The Island of Dr. Moreau comes to mind), but his library is incredible. I suggest everyone see several of his works, The Godfather in particular.

Anyway I suppose I could have felt less lonely had I followed through on going to hang out with Corb, but the laziness bug took hold. My plan now is to drink several beer and play some poker for fun. Perhaps later I'll crack Dan Brown's Angels & Demons, which Mom checked out for me. I'd better hold on to my seat.

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