Monday, March 01, 2004

I wanna get back home

Now listening to: Grandaddy

I'm in a horrible mood right now and I don't really know why. It's the middle of my weekend, I haven't really been stressed today and nothing is abnormally bad. I'm just depressed.

I watched the Oscars and they went pretty much like I hoped, although Bill Murray should have won. I think everyone was let down when he didn't. I think Sean Penn simply won because he'd been nominated four times. Although he did give some props to his competition and even Paul Giamati (SP?). I'm gonna watch American Splendor tomorrow.

I do think LOTR deserved all the recognition it got. The trilogy was truly epic and a piece of cinema that will be remembered for the ages. Plus it was the first fantasy film to ever win an Oscar. How they overlooked Conan the Barbarian, I'll never know.

I'm gonna go and fester in my bad mood now. Maybe play some online poker, although it may be a bad idea in this mood. Maybe I'll see some wired pairs...let's hope.

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