Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Beaten with a sack of oranges

Now watching: Late Night Poker

I'm feeling beat. Tonight was unpleasant. I'm just tired of doing everything at work. Nothing seems even a little entertaining at this point. I think I'm going to have to take a vacation soon, just to get away from the job. I desperately need a break. Of course, with us being understaffed as of next week, that could be a problem. Nothing is ever easy at the Bulletin.

I'm currently downloading the new Morrissey album (You are the Quarry). I've heard nothing but good things. I'm not sure what I plan to do with the rest of the evening. I think I'm gonna take a break tonight on COH. Maybe read this new book I bought the other day by Raymond Feist. I've read the first 20-odd pages and it's pretty good so far.

Had a nice dinner with Jeff tonight. It was good to see him. He's also talking about having kids, but not a father yet. Apparently he's working on it. This glut of children is too much for me. I'm way too immature to have kids, how can people my age or under even think about it? I dunno, kids just scare the hell out of me.

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