Wednesday, October 06, 2004

He's donating his body to science fiction now

Now listening to: Interpol (Antics)

I'm starting this post with a moment of silence for the late, great Rodney Dangerfield, who died today at 82. He was a comedic genius and responsible for some of my favorite movies. So here is too Rodney, who I always respected...

Well I have once again proven that I have no self control. I went to Danville and spent entirely too much money...and Trip bought me dinner! I swear I go into a store and go into neanderthal thought modes....shiny!!! Want!!! and spend cash like I'm big money. I have a horrible head for money management...of course I suppose I'm still better than the president, as I am still working to decrease my deficit while in my own personal economic slump.

Anyway I bought the new Tony Hawk, which is pretty cool so far I suppose, I haven't played much, just schooled Trip a bit. I also picked up the new Interpol album as their first album was really awesome and in a Joy Division kind of mode...and how can I resist that? Having only listened to a coupla songs it's really good.

After my shopping debacle, Trip and I returned to watch the VP debates. I was less than enthusiastic and rightfully so. It was an essay in boredom, with both sides parroting what the presidential candidates said. It was a little bit more personal that the presidential debates, with Chaney and Edwards both attacking each others personal records. If I had to point it, I'd say that Chaney won by a very small margin, he seemed better prepared and substanitive, while Edwards looked flippant and clamped on to the same jargon again and again. Of course this tactic may work, hell it's what won for W. in 2000.

Of course, Trip looked up some online polls afterward and Edwards led them across the board. So who can say what is the final take, clearly I'm not the average American (what with my ability to separate sloganeering from actually having a definitive policy). The Daily Show didn't do a live broadcast afterward, but was really good anyway. Rob Cordury's bit about Kerry not being able to reconcile the difference between what he believes and what the Bush campaign says he believes was excellent.

Anyway I'm off to shred the streets in THUG 2 (Tony Hawk Underground, for the uninitiated).

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