Now listening to: the new Beck album, Guero
Monday I chilled out, applied for a coupla jobs and actually heard back from one of them. It was a school system sending me a full application, but it's nice to actually get some response other that "We got your resume and decided you suck." That's not what they say, but that's what they mean.
Haven't done a whole helluva a lot the last coupla days. Trip and I tried out Warcraft III on Monday and Trip sent a beating my way. It's been a long time since I played that and there are some quirks that I didn't remember. I also watched the new Deadwood episode on Mon. and that was excellent as always. I think the addition of some black characters adds a new dimension.
I got the new Beck and Billy Idol albums from Trip and the Beck is pretty good. I still haven't completely absorbed it and I haven't listened to Billy Idol at all. But Trip has said it's not bad in his initial listenings.
I'm almost done reading Miles Davis' autobiography, which Kevin loaned me many years ago. It's not bad, but I can't say it's well written. I suppose that's the price you pay for a primary source. A couple of things have struck me while reading the book. First that ultimately Miles did not trust white people. Admittedly he had plenty of reasons not to, but he always seemed to assume that whites had some plan to fuck over black people. Again, it's not entirely untrue I'm sure, but it's hard for me to conceive of that type of racism.
The second thing that reading the book makes me realize is how little I really know about music. Now there was never any doubt that Miles' pinky finger contained more musical knowledge than I will ever gain, but man some of the theories he tosses off in the book, about chord playing and modal playing and whatnot, I just have no clue. It's always amusing to be when reading a book makes you realize how ignorant you really are.
One final note, there is a new link to Nick's new blog on your left. He put the kibosh on the old one in an attempt to circumnavigate any potential scandal and now has one set up for the impending addition to his household, Augustin. Feel free to check it out and see a pround papa's struggle.
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