Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sitting there playing clutch butt

Well I discovered my Xbox isn't what's broken, it's the VCR I run my XBox through that has the problem. Sadly this means I can't watch DVDs except for on my computer. Alas. I suppose I'll live, but it is annoying.

I have made an executive decision to stop playing WoW for a while. Just until I get my shit together with real life. Honestly if things go as I hope I won't have time to dedicate to it and paying for it anyway would be dumb. This will also help me put forth time instead of regressing into my fantasy land. Still I'm gonna miss my online friends, they are cool people.

Lots of new music to discuss, which if you've clicked on my new music link over there you can see it all. I'll start with Morningwood (which is fairly standard for me, OH!... sorry) which has some really good tracks on it, but the album is uneven. The four good tracks are foot massage worthy, but the rest of the album is a decided Meh., so we end up with a +1 chainmail rating.

Ummm, got a coupla Spoon albums that I'm still deciding how much I like. They are good, but I can't decide if they are gonna become regulars in my playlists. I'm liking this Xiu Xiu album I got, but it's slow, noisy and off kilter, so I probably wouldn't recommend it to most of the people who read this blog.

1 comment:

eric said...

I am poor and cannot afford the converter at this point. Being a derelict has its downsides.