Tuesday, June 06, 2006

No we don't want to get high Towely

I received some horrific news Friday evening that has affected me so deeply that I have been physically unable to blog. I found out that I have to come in to work on one of my days off... not only that, nay, even worse. I have to get up early and be in Roanoke by 9 a.m. The horror... the horror.

Yeah, I know it's not really a huge deal, but that sort of thing really just gives me something to dread for days on end. It's part of my personality to see the negative a lot more than any positives. Not a lot else going on really. Just working as per usual and trying not to spend much money. Of course, gas prices are once again on the rise. Love that...

One bright thing that did happen this weekend was that I came home after work and mom had gotten a Pittsburgher friend of her's to get me a Terrible Towel. Not any Terrible Towel either, an official Myron Cope Super Bowl XL commemorative towel. How sweet is that? It definitely brightened my night when I saw that. I'm considering framing it, but I want to wave it at Nick, Adam and Mike once first.


Anonymous said...

No, I can not stand to be faced with the horror that the "Terrible Towel" exemplifies. It is far too frightening & even more intimidating... LOL. What kind kind of idiot said, "Hey, I'm going to get a yellow towel and twirrel it around and act like a liitle girly man & name towel the "TERRIBLE TOWEL". Just think, those turkeys snuck away with the Super Bowl... Now I know why they're called the "Steelers". What a dissappointing season it was last year. It was just like that silly towel in that it was so anti-climatic. So yes, I would like to see that towel & add it to my collection of others to change my vehicle's oil and other household chores. "Terrible Towel"... LOL!!!!

Larry Johnson

eric said...

What's that? The sound of jealousy.

As to the assertion that the Steelers stole the Super Bowl... please, that's absurd. The Steelers snuck in as an eight seed and proceeded to beat the best teams in the NFL back to back to back to back.

Anonymous said...

It's painful to be a fan of a mediocre team sometimes. Being the fan of a team that won Super Bowl II & not one since gives the meaning of a "has been". But, my loyalty to a team that has always been a threat to another's team is why I press on in believing that maybe this will be their year. However, in an ever competitive AFC WEST the Cheifs have their work cut out for them against the ever well managed Denver Broncos. As much as I love the state of Colorado & having been out there several times in the last 3 years & it's the same state where I asked my beloved wife if she would take my hand in Holy matrimony, I find myself growing more & more fond of what Denver has to offer me. Am I saying I'm going to "divorce" my team? No, that would be absurb. Though we all grow & change I'll give K.C. a chance to redeem itself. Everybody loves a winner. At some point though, you gotta wonder why the Cheifs haven't been able to pull out a "V" in over 37 years. The Cheifs represent America's roots in that it is in the heart land & the mascot represents America's heritage & nobility. But, like the Indians - though they had a will of iron & a heart of gold they were dominated by more imperialistic forces that drove them into pockets & almost extinction. So, I find it suiting that the Cheifs unparalleled bad luck coupled by a loyal but relatively small fan base with poor geographic location to boot creates even greater odds to defeat even the smallest of dynasties. So, yes Eric there is a hint of envy along with great respect for your coach & staff @ the Steelers camp. The Jets get teased just because they are on the east coast where they get more "commercial" time due to the ever increasing population boom in the East. Trust me, the Chiefs have had alot better oportunities that have been blown due to coaching decision (or indecision) along with injuries and aging offensive lines or incompetence in the secondary. It's frustrating to see so much talent on one end & a disaster on the other. Yet, I remain patient as a "loyal" fan would be.

My hat is tipped,

Anonymous said...

O.K. let's go ahead and get this straight for the record. I was never a fan of the Jags. I could run their offense on Madden alot better than I could of the Chiefs. (Kind of like you and Bo w/ the Raiders - i.e. Tecmo Lucky Breaks)

& yes, I can't wait until that faitful day in Miami this November. Good times will be had by all, my little corn hole buddy.

eric said...

If the Steelers suck and are the Super Bowl champions, how bad must the Dolphins have been to barely crack a winning record?