Thursday, January 03, 2008

Staying out in the cold and catching one

So I am making a concerted effort to fend off a cold, Trip's cold to be specific. I blame all my day-dwelling friends for weakening my constitution by making me rise during sun-enriched hours. Also sitting in the rain this weekend probably didn't help, but whatever.

Speaking of day dwellers, I am considering the possibility of turning into one. I could take a day shift at work. There are pros and cons for both sides and I'm not sure which way to go. The big problems are the 4 a.m. wakeup call which necessitates an 8 p.m. bedtime. Also the increased social aspect of having other people in the building could be stressful. I dunno, I'm torn.

I'm currently going through a number of best music of 2007 lists and trying to see what I missed. I've got a preliminary best of list myself, but haven't finalized it yet, with so many songs unheard and a few tracks that probably are on there for more nostalgic reasons than any other.

A few albums I'm 100-percent sure I recommend are :The National's Boxer, Okkervil River's The Stage Names and LCD Soundsystem's Sound of Silver. Good stuff.

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