Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Do you like robots?

Now reading: Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs
Now playing: Tony Hawk Underground

I'm in a haze. I stayed up too late playing Tony Hawk and reading Running with Scissors. I would switch off when my thumb got too sore to continue for a while. Anyway I didn't get up until almost 1 p.m. and now I feel all groggy. I've got to get back to working out regularly and get my energy level back up.

I need to go in to work early today to call some coaches, but I really don't wanna. I just want to lay around and do nothing. No surprises there.

Running with Scissors is living up to my hopes. Tales of a disturbing childhood that are all the more scary because they are true. The segment on how a psychiatrist believes God is communicating with him through his poo is sidesplittingly funny.

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