Friday, November 07, 2003

Fuck that guy

Now listening to: Cat Power (You are Free)

So I am finally home and, surprisingly, my phone is working. However, these small victories mean little compared to the suffering I had during my final hours at work. Computer crashes, being bitched at by the boss and having to suffer through the opinions of the man I think is the biggest asshole ever born, Let's call him Cameron...cause that's his name.

This is my coworker. He is the most arrogant, pretentious human being and knows it and revels in it. He must die. If I had a nickel for every time someone at the bulletin discussed killing him, I'd be able to buy the paper with plenty left over. Tonight I made the grotesque error of mentioning that I saw the movie signs and thought it sucked. He went on a tirade about how it wasn't that bad and there were so many movies much worse. Now, I can allow someone to have a different opinion than me in a discussion and not be bothered by it. I'm open-minded and believe in respecting others' opinions. Cameron has no such concept. His idea of a discussion is something akin to a battering ram, bludgeoning dissenters into a state where they are simply unable to care enough to fight his onslaught and simply opt out of the conversation.

Anyway, I do feel better now that I have that off my chest. Perhaps I can relax and do some reading.

Ohhh, something I've been meaning to do. In the unlikely event that someone reads this that doesn't know me and already have my email, I can be reached at feel free to write me.

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