Wednesday, January 14, 2004


I have got to stop sleeping all damn day. I didn't get up this afternoon until almost 2 p.m. and so I have next to no time before work to do anything. It sucks. I'm tempted to call in sick this afternoon, but don't know if it's a good idea. It'd probably be better just to go ahead and get it over with.

I watched the celebrity poker showdown finale last night. It was cool, lots of talk about tells and whatnot. I wanted David Cross to win, but Nicole Sullivan played well and had the cards. It was entertaining. I particularly liked it when the other losers came into the Loser's Lounge to chat. Had kind of a Dean Martin anything can happen vibe for a minute...especially since everyone is drinking.

Anyway I need to go an salvage the last few minutes of relaxation before work.

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