WellI am now officially on two medications, which is the first time that has happened in a while (not counting various liquors and beers). I got some claritin (actually it's kroger brand, but shhh) and took that and now that I am nigh-ready for bed, I had a nice cup of NyQuil (or its generic equivalent). I could drop at any minute.
Today was fairly slack. Had lunch with cousin Mike, which was ok then went to work for a while. Got a haircut, which I'm not sure if I like or not. Then hung with trip for a while playing some video games (I own him at Soul Caliber II and Tony Hawk).
Once I made it home (after my generic shopping) I watched the rest of the UCB stuff, well except for the extra stuff. Man do I love that absurd humor, pure genius. The little Donny episode may be the best dick joke of all time.
But there must be another season as there was no "Splangey" episode and no pro-thunder ball. I can't wait for them to get the second (and probably final) season out on DVD. I may try to go and see a show at the UCB theatre while I'm in NYC.
Now I must go collapse as the drugs have taken hold.
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