Now listening to: Gimme Noise web radio
In a stunning development I don't feel like working tonight. At least it's just a couple of soccer games. Those are fairly low maintenance. Plus it's a nice day so sitting outside won't be bad.
After work I'm still debating getting Diablo 2. I'm trying to keep a decent budget and have been fairly successful so far, but this indulgence is hard to ignore. I still need to play some more Balder's Gate 2, but that game is so frustrating. Keeping characters alive is a real challenge. Plus there are some new games I might like to try. I read a fairly good article on City of Heroes and that sounds pretty cool, although the whole MMORPG thing is a little bit scary. It's the monthy fee that hurts you.
In non-gaming news, web radio is a nice new thing for me. I get to listen to a cool variety of things and not the usual crap that gets played around these parts. The Gimme Noise station is pretty sweet. Lots of punk, indie and new wave vibes. I mean they just played an Eels song from Shootenanny. How sweet is that?
Of course as soon as I type that some problem occurs and I can't get to the music. Troublesome. I've switched over to some ambient station that's not bad so far. Soothing.
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