Now listening to: On a Whim mix
Well another evening killed with nothing to show for it. It's funny, sometimes I feel like I don't have enough time to cram all the things I want to do in. But sometimes when I have no commitments and plenty of time to kill I don't want to do any of those things. Tonight I got off work early and milled about the house. I watched a little tv and the 1928 Russian movie "Arsenal" about a Ukrainian uprising. It was ok, I liked the ending where the a Ukrainian socialist worker proved to be immune to the evil capitalists bullets. Then I watched a couple of Buffy episodes. I'm one away from finishing the third disc.
After that I kinda lost interest and glazed. I kinda wanted to play a video game, but couldn't settle on one and stared at reruns for a while. Finally I gave up and played fake money poker online. Which was wholly unsatisfying. I dunno I've just felt a malaise all day really. I need to find a game that enthralls me. I'll probably try and trade in a few old games and get something cool for my PC when it comes in.
I'm supposed to go to a softball game tomorrow, but it's probably going to rain. That means I have to be creative and come up with something. I may write a column on deciding where sports end and games begin. We'll see.
List of comp. games I'm interesting in: Final Fantasy XI, Balder's Gate 2, Icewind Dale 1 and 2, Diablo 2 and World of Warcraft (when it comes out over five months from now). I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting, but that's plenty really. Oh and Magic online. That could be cool.
I think I'm gonna try and hook up some broadband tomorrow and get the wireless action going. That'll be pretty sweet. I could network with trip and kick his ass at starcraft or something. I talked to Danny for like five minutes tonight and mentioned I was getting gonna get broadband and he was right on me to get on XBox Live and play Counterstrike. Which probably would be cool, but I'm just not that interested in hte whole terrorist thing. When Halo 2 comes out I'm definitely hooking it up, but there isn't a whole lot that really interests me on it now. PLus if I do end up with FFXI I'll have plenty to occupy me with that. Oh and online poker, there is that.
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