Now listening to: The Pixies new song!!!!!!!!!!
A new single from the Pixies..and it's good! ROCK. If there is one band I love, it's the Pixies. Hopefully this means they will be recording a new album. I wish I could see them live. Oh well.
Last night I didn't manage to stay away from COH and ended up playing for five hours solid. I didn't get to bed until 6 a.m. I got into a really good was impossible to leave a gang of competent players after being saddled with so many morons for so long. I managed to get rid of my 5K debt and am now a mere three bubbles from 19th.
I also reread The Stranger. It was as good as I remembered it, but I got something different from it this time. I'm less sure Camus was on Meurseult's side. I still appreciate his notion that one life is as good as another, there is no real difference. That you have to take the small pleasures where ever you can.
Gabe emailed me. He just returned from Spain, the bastard. He seems to be pretty happy. I miss the little goof.
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