Monday, June 14, 2004

It doesn't matter if we all die

Q:If you could be any type of animal, what type would you be?
A: You are an animal.

Today has been one of those days where I never feel like I fully woke up. I just kind of drifted through in a haze and got through somehow. Not that I really did anything. I wrote a story and had dinner with Trip, that about sums it up.

Actually I did finally finish Lost Souls by Poppy Bright. It was ok...maybe in the upper echelon of the Meh. territory. It just seemed a little too in love with itself, as gothic style horror novels often do. Just a bit too pretentious and self aware.

I think I'm gonna reread Camus' The Stranger. It's one of my all time favs (headcavingly orgasmic) and I need some inspiration. Maybe it can help me put the indifference I feel towards everything right now into perspective.

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