Monday, July 19, 2004

End Morraine

Now listening to:Air

Spent most of the day reading on the couch. I started this werewolf book called Bitten. It's pretty good and I really didn't feel like doing much else. I turned on some mellow music, laid back and read. I may do some more of that tonight.

After lazing the day away I went to Trip's with Corb and we played Halo and Tetris Worlds. You couldn't find two more different games if you tried. Still I managed to school them in both. Anyone wanting Halo lessons need only ask. I won't charge a lot (I'm looking at you Trip).

I actually did do some writing last night, after whining about it. But I'm not really happy with it. It needs severe editing and I may just toss it, as the premise hasn't panned out the way I'd like. I'm gonna try to do some brainstorming on short story ideas this week as well. I've got a couple of decent novel ideas, but I need to sit down and be able to finish something to show me I can finish something.

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