Now listening to: Wilco
A slack day by any standard. Didn't do much, watched the first coupla episodes of the sixth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, then Trip came over and picked me up. We got pizza and carried it back to his place and watched some Dead Like Me episodes. Instead of watching the final episode on the disc, Trip insisted we play NFL Street. He managed to beat me with the new pass play he figured out. I still insist it was a fluke, but whatever.
We watched Six Feet Under and then Entourage and then The Ali G Show. All were really good. I hate it when I find more tv to watch. It's not a good thing, especially when it's on HBO and I don't have that channel. Sucky.
I'm not really sure what I wanna do right now. I was thinking City of Heroes, but I fiddled with it through most of the time I was at Trip's so now it's not as appealing. I'm afriad it's starting to lose some of it's luster, but that may just be me expecting the worst.
Today Mom found a freelance writing job I'm probably going to apply for. It pays between $15-20/hour and that would be nice. Even if I find a better job, I could still do that depending on the amount of work involved. I like the idea of freelance stuff, as I think keeping as much freedom as possible is important to me. I really hate feeling tied down and like someone is oppressing me. My last few weeks at the Bulletin really felt that way, with the new dress code and everything else.
I've always hated to be told what to do. As most of my friends can attest, the quickest way to get me to not do something is to insist I do it. My contrary nature just takes hold and I balk. In fact, it's so well known a few of my friends have resorted to trying reverse psychology in the past. Usually I see right through it and am annoyed by it, but I'm sure it's worked at some point.
I still need to write something while I have time off, but I haven't been good at focusing on it. I think the A.D.D. has taken hold somewhat, not that I haven't kept busy with little crap for the most part. Still I should be taking advantage of this opportunity. I may try to write a short story to submit to Punk Planet magazine. It'd be cool to be published there.
Yes I went link nutty, what are you gonna do about it? The rating system has all new links, all music related if anyone cares.
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