Saturday, August 28, 2004

Sweet Gorilla of Manilla

Now: preparing for bed

Well Halo night went off without a hitch. We actually did watch a little football, yay and got some good games in. Oh I also handed Trip his ass in Soul Caliber 2 again. (Pwned!) Currently Trip and I are trying to find some new games for four players so we don't just keep doing the same thing over and over again. There are some possibilities on the horizon and we're looking for some old school solutions as well.

Anyway after Danny and Corb left, Trip and I hung for a while, goofing off and watching some video game demos and movie trailers. I think we're gonna try to see Hero tomorrow. The previews look sweet and hopefully the movie will not disappoint.

Oh I also tried the new Baja Blast Mountain Dew at Taco Bell (my life is so sad) and it's ok. Nothing really special. It tasted kind of like lime sherbet to me. The Pitch Black is better IMHO. The grape isn't overpowering and adds a nice touch. Well enough about Mountain Dew.

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