I actually arose before 1 p.m. today, but I felt pretty shitty all day. Of course the fact that I just sat around and didn't do a damn thing probably didn't help. It's a cycle, I feel bad and do nothing and I do nothing and feel bad. It's probably all psychological. Because I was feeling unwell I turned down Nick's invite to play poker.
The one positive thing I did do today was look through some classified ads for a job. I actually found two or three decent options. I'm really not confident on getting work at this moment. I mean I look at my resume and it seems so small. That is to say that the sum total of my entire life amount to one page of less than impressive events. It's sad.
One the upside I just got a kickass graphic from Trip. I've been posting a lot at cheapass gamer's forums of late and asked Trip to make me an avatar and he came through with this awesomeness.

How sweet is that? It's an evil penguin...get it? That's pretty damn kick ass.
I just started The Bourne Identity tonight (leaving myself in the middle of Catch 22, which sucks but library books put me on the clock). I just wanted to read it to compare with what happened in the movie and see how the screenwriter changed things. It's always interesting to see what gets left out and how they manipulate things.
Tomorrow I have to not sit around all damn day. I think I may try and get my job application responsibilities out of the way early (early for me anyway) and then perhaps go walk around the track and read. I need to stop being so damn slack. I have all this time and should be using it to get into shape or something.
Oh it seems like I'm getting a lot more hits of late, so that's nice. I welcome all newcomers to enjoy reading my completely silly rantings and whinings. Stick around if you aren't bored into suicidal tendencies.
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