Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The years go fast and the days go so slow

Now listening to: Modest Mouse

It's still so early, well early for me. I've been very "busy" today. I have no doubt that I'm the only guy in America flipping between watching episodes of Sex in the City and Monday Night Football. Is it good to be so weird? I often wonder...

Anyway I've decided to not completely waste the day and I'm gonna try and do some writing this evening, both on my blogs and on my "novel." I really feel pretentious when I say that, like I'm trying to convince someone I'm a more serious person than the loser who plays video games and watches movies all the time. No other way to say it tho is there?

I've also decided that tomorrow I am gonna go join a gym even if it kills me. I have no excuse not to at least try to get into some semblance of shape. Before the time commitment really drained me, but now I have these great gobs of time that I just waste. I should do something useful. I'm trying to take control of my life instead of just letting the steady stream of sewage carry me down to the septic tank.

Plus going to the gym will allow me to maybe meet some new people and remember my social skills. I can be less of the cave troll when I go out, both in manners and appearance.

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