Soo my interview was weird. I'm not really sure if I got interviewed or the principal and I just hung out. I had to wait forever before he got to me, which I can understand lots of stuff was going on like someone having a seizure. So that's not a big deal. Once I got in his office I answered like three questions and then we walked around the school. I'm not sure why we walked around the school, but we did.
While we were walking he talked about classroom management and gave me examples of different ways to do it. It was almost as if he believed I'd never been in a classroom before. I just kind of nodded my head and went along with it. I have no idea if it went well or not. I was just there. He told me he'd let me know something on Friday, so let's all hope I get the job.
Anyway after grabbing some lunch I came home and took a nap, which was pleasant I can tell you. Nothing like cool fall air and snuggly blanket. After finally getting up my cousin Mike invited me to a poker game in Roanoke, which I had to turn down because of finances, but it was a nice thought. I'll probably get to see him this weekend at his mother's wedding, which should be an interesting affair to say the least. So I've got that to look forward to.
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