Sunday, September 05, 2004

Mammals have four chambered hearts

Now listening to: Miles Davis (Kind of Blue)

I'm feeling tired and have no real reason to. I goofed off all day, not surprisingly. I read a lot of the new Dune book (Battle of Corrin). It's pretty good. Then Corb picked me up and we went to Trip's and watched Shaolin Soccer, which was fun. Not great, but enjoyable: +1 chainmail. We then grabbed some burgers and played Halo. I was talking new thing is talking about how I "drop science" after a victory. It amuses me, especially when I illustrate what dropping science is like. It's fun, although I think Corb and Trip may enjoy it less than me.

Anyway, now I am spending more time in front of the computer doing nothing useful. I still feel like ass and my congestion has moved into my ears which makes me totally deaf (and I didn't have that far to go before). I think I'm gonna go watch Adult Swim now.

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