Now listening to:Fugazi
Ok I've got to be honest, I've got this weird tickling around my rectum. I think it's from where George Bush blew smoke up my ass all night. I watched most of his speech (well I occasionally changed the channel when he would say something so far from the truth that I couldn't stand it). Both he and Dick Cheney talked about respecting the troops, but these are the same people who said yes to the Swift Boat ads that attack a decorated veteran with completely untrue allegations. (And if you think those ads went up without the Bush campaign's knowledge you are far too naive.)
Actually I have to admit a couple of the policies Bush offered for the next four years weren't completely off base. Improving the health care system is a big thing I'm all for, the problem is I don't believe he'll do it. In his last State of the Union address he talked about all kinds of things he would be working on...I ain't seen it. The only thing he's worked on was his campaign.
Of course I shouldn't be getting so upset over this election and the sad state of America. The American people will be getting what they deserve. If they are stupid enough to give Bush power for four more years then it just proves my first rule. (People are stupid.)
Moving away from politics, I have been a useless waste of space again today. Still recovering from my allergies (which seem to be receding thankfully) and just watched tv all day. I watched most of the Steelers/Panthers game and that was ok, nothing special. All in all, a day I'll wish I had back at the end of my life.
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