Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Bark twice if you're in Milwaukee

I'm currently bouncing back and forth between complete denial and abject depression. I'm sure it'd be a fun thing to watch from the outside, but I'm not sure my stomach is really up for it. I've got to find a job soon and it sucks.

Other than trolling the interweb for employment, I've continued my WoW fixation (escapism is good). Yesterday I also watched several movies while I played WoW. I started off with Snatch, which I love. I honestly could just listen to the accents and the cool slang all the time. I then moved on to American Splendor, which is really well put together. I love the juxtaposition of the character of Harvey Pekar and the actual Harvey commenting on him.

I then spent some time watching what I thought was the Biggest Loser finale, but it turns out they are having another show next week. I think that's a bit much, personally, but I understand they have to milk it for all it's worth.

I ended the movie watching with Anchorman, which I love. It's wonderfully silly and absurd. As I've often said I love surreal humor and this has it, in abundance.

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