In other news, I continue to spend inordinate amounts of time playing WoW. What can I say, I am hooked. There is always some fun new possibilty in the game and I continue to find myself staying online for "just a little longer."
I am now going to unveil my Top Five Moments withing the game so far. Drum roll please...
- Finishing the felhunter quest with my warlock. I honestly felt a sense of accomplishment. I solo-ed the whole thing and got it done. It wasn't easy, but it was a good feeling afterwards. (Those of you out of the know, warlocks have various demons you can summon to aid you. The felhunter is the one you go after at level 30.)
- Fighting the dragon Narrillasanz and killing him. He's a level 42 elite and was badass. My guildmates and I put the smackdown on his ass, with extreme prejudice. This kind of thing provides a real epic sense to the game.
- The first time I took a zeppelin to the other continent. When you start in one place and explore it and it seems huge the world is awesome. When you realize that the huge part you've played in is really a small fraction of the possibilities it's awe-inspiring.
- My guild went into a high level instance dungeon and stayed there for five hours. During one of the boss fights we knew we were going to be mobbed afterwards and had a planned strategy. We figured that some of us would die in the course of events. When we killed the boss and were bumrushed we killed them all in a matter of seconds. It was hilarious. (I know, you probably had to be there.)
- During the course of the undead quests, you come across several that require you to hunt down ingredients for a plague. Once you get them sometimes you get to give the plague to various prisoners to test it on. I just love that whole evil plaguing of the Alliance vibe.
Anyway that wraps up the nerd moment for now. I know some of you are bored out of your skull, but there may be someone who gets what this is about. Plus you're supposed to write about what you know and I've got WoW on the brain.
Went to Trip's tonight and we watched the first two episodes of HBO's Deadwood series and it was great. I haven't heard cursing like that since Reservoir Dogs. The title of this post is an actual toast given in the show. I love it when cussin' is taken to its highest level.
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