Friday, January 14, 2005

Don't touch other people's things

Now watching: Real Genius

So I'm still wallowing in depression. Nothing like letting your worst feelings of anxiety and antipathy run your life, it's freeing.

Yesterday I drove out to the resevoir to read in the presense of a large mass of water. It was nice, for the 20 minutes I was there before they closed it. The last time I was there a drought was in effect and the water was extremely low. This time the water actually came all the way up to the goosepoop covered dock.

There was also a big tornado warning last night. The mentioned Horsepasture, Spencer and Preston specifically on the news. That's a bit disconcerting. But all was well, I suppose. I was forced to step away from the electronics because of lightning. So I finished reading Salvatore's The Lone Drow, which was ok, but not my fav.

I also hit the library last night and checked out the new Terry Goodkind book. I'll probably try and read it over the weekend. I agree with Nick in hoping that it's better than the last one, that kinda derailed from the series.

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