Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy vernal equinox!

So it's Easter. That magical day when the Easter Bunny delivers chocolate eggs to all the good Christian boys and girls to commemorate Jesus dying for the end of winter ...or something like that.

Anyway it's a dismal rainy day, the kind I love, and I'm just chilling. Last night I finished reading Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air. It was good, albeit depressing. It tales the tale of climbing Mt. Everest and the tragedy that ensues. Krakauer was one of the few that actaully got to the summit and survived. I think 12 climbers died that day (perhaps not on that day, but as a direct result) with two more suffering incredible frostbite.

Don't know why I've always been fascinated with Mt. Everest. I certainly have no illusions that I'll ever climb it. But I suppose I am attracted to the idea of places and events that have serious consequences if you go there, a la climbing Everest. the running of the bulls in Pamplona, the Source Hip Hop Awards.

Anyway Into Thin Air gets a foot massage rating from me, mostly because you'll need one after frost bite costs you most of your toes.


eric said...

You won't get a whole hell of a lot. I'm a poor mofo.

rmacapobre said...

> Now listening to: John Coltrane

try madeliene peyroux. shes great.