Well it's that time of year when my allergies make it possible for strange liquids fly from my head at any given moment. It's a fun time.
Besides being under the weather, I thought I might post about a few things I've done recently that I haven't blogged about for one reason or another. Last Sunday, Corb, Trip and I went to see Be Cool, mostly for the star power contained within. I didn't see Get Shorty, but Travolta, Uma, Harvey Keitel, Andre 3000, etc make me take notice. It wasn't a great movie, but was entertaining. My main critique was that it was a little too aware of it's own virtue. Still I'd say +1 chainmail, with a Filet Mignon rating for all things Uma contained within. Mmm Uma.
Went to hang with Trip on Monday and we played more Starcraft. He dispatched a virulent horde of Zerg that applied a brutal beating to my Protoss legions. I thought I had him right where I wanted him, right up until his troops started overtaking my territory. Now I know how Rommel felt. Tuesday we hung out for a bit again, but I was feeling poorly both psychologically and physically so I called it an early night.
Since then I've been keeping a low profile because of my allergies and the fact that WoW released a new content patch that I've been fiddling with. Lots of fun stuff, when the game decides to work. There is a lot of hoopla about Blizzard's inability to stabilize their servers and whatnot and I'm starting to get frustrated. I try to be good natured about it, because I understand this type of game is an epic undertaking, but it's been several months since launch. I am paying to play each month, give me a break. Everytime there is a patch or maintenance on the servers or anything I get locked out of the game for quite a while. It's frustrating.
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