Well this week has been an adventure and it's only freaking Tuesday. Remember when I said I deposited my state tax return. I may not have actually said it, but that was what happened. I took a deposit slip to the bank and left it with the teller, who gave me some of it in cash. Easy right?
Ohh no, easy is the last thing that happened. It seems that since I haven't had any money in my bank account it has closed down. So my deposit was void. When I went to get money out of the ATM on Monday, it took my card. On investigation of this I find out that not only is my account closed, but they won't reopen it. Please keep in mind that I "deposited" money on Friday.
So when I asked about getting that money back, I, of course, was told that I had to wait for all the beauracracy to filter it through and spit it back out. They didn't even have an estimate on how long that would take. They are gonna call me.
In the mean time I'm left with no money, no bank account and no hope. Is it too much to ask that something in my life goes smoothly? I mean come on. Just one fucking thing.
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