Thursday, March 09, 2006

Needles and camels

I'm almost too tired to blog. I'm being worn out by worrying a lot about a lot of different things. Work is still going well at least. Bill is doing... something, I dunno. He's still in the hospital and there are tales I don't feel like repeating. My grandmother is also ill with something and is seeming less coherent. It's all weighs heavy. I'm concerned the pressure is even worse on Mom. It's just too much to deal with in addition to her normal absurdly heavy schedule. Honestly noone deserves a break more than her and she can't seem to find it. I can't say that I've made things easy on her myself, although hopefully I'm working to correct that these days.

Anyway I got some wings and headed to Trip's today, to drop of his family's car. Yes, I am back on the road in my Jeep. It's running pretty good and I have an 18 month warranty, so it better continue to run properly. Kev came down and we all hung for a bit.

Anyway that's about it. I get to sleep in tomorrow at least. I also get paid, so I got that going for me. Which is nice...

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