Thursday, March 30, 2006

repeating nonsense mantras endlessly

All in all not a bad day. I woke up fairly late and goofed off for a while. Went to check out my tax situation and found out I don't have to file this year. So that's one less thing to worry about. I then went to get my haircut and that turned out fairly decent. That place was a zoo, it was packed with gossiping women. But they were having a good time and I was amused.

Puttered over to Trip's and he and I went out for some delicious sushi. I tried the squid and it wasn't bad, but requires further inspection before I'll order it regularly. I'm developing a taste for more of the actual raw stuff tho, at least I think so.

After our "bait" we hit up Walmart and walked around for a bit. I managed to resist temptation for the most part, but ended up buying a new wireless router, batteries and waffles. Can you guess which of those was the impulse buy? So now I am pimped out for wireless, with neither my computer or my mouse tethered. I will now dive into the datastream and surf the heady shores of information.

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