I officially don't believe in democracy. I don't believe in the "common man," even possibly being one of them. This all stems from my belief in only one absolute in this life and that absolute is that people are stupid. I don't have a good answer to what a better form of government is, but I really don't think people are capable of ruling themselves. We don't really believe in the common man as a nation, if we did we wouldn't always be electing the rich.
What makes me say these awful anti-American way of life things? Well for one Bush was elected...but enough of that. Another is that noone cares about government for the majority of the time. Sure when I big election comes round everyone gets fired up and talks about how important it is to vote and all that, but really who pays attention to all those "minor elections" like congressmen or senators. Not many, hell I'm guilty of it too. If you look at the people we end up voting for, it's just scary. There is not a worse group of people on the face of the earth. All snake oil salesmen, who hone their skills in courts of law until they are able to slime their way into writing those laws, most of which they write merely to look like they are doing something. Also they pass laws without ever reading what's in them...that's how the "Patriot Act" slid through in the first place.
Noone knows what their congressmen do. Hell you ask half the nation who their senators are and they can't tell you. (Mine are John Warner, who I have met, and Chuck Robb, to answer the inevitable question.) Anyway I've found our representative government to be quite lacking and am so fed up with politics and thinking about the election that I can barely stand it.
Nick posted a long list of positives that the Bush administration has accomplished. Sure there are a coupla things I've never heard of, but if you look at the fine print a lot of those things are "goals" and distortions. Bush has went on and on about how a president doesn't have control over the economy, but now his efforts have brought growth some how. He talks about goals for the environment and that's great. But if you don't do anything about it then who cares. My goal is to have people in every state that ends with the letter A wear green hats on the third Tuesday of every third month. Of course I have no way to enforce this so who cares what my goals are.
Anyway, congrats to all the Bush fans out there. You're ideals of God, guns and gays win over sane discourse. I'm done with politics for the moment, I feel ill everytime it comes into my mind. I'm gonna try to think about something else...maybe some philosophical ideas or maybe stupid video games. Or maybe I'll just start drinking and hoping that helps numb my addled mind.
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