Now listening to: The Minutemen (Live) and Sleater-Kinney (One Beat)
So I watched football early today. Not the Steelers-Cleveland game, as that wasn't broadcast, but the Ravens-Jets. I spent the afternoon rooting for the Jets, of all things. And, of course, they choked and let the Ravens win in OT. Sad. Still the Steelers highlights were marvelous. Did anyone see that block Hines Ward put on that lineman. Oh man I love to see a little guy in black and gold clobber a big man, especially a Brown.
After that Corb picked me up and we got Trip and played Halo 2 for a bit. I really liked the Juggernaut variant, which essentially makes two people take on one who is the juggernaut. Only the juggernaut can score, so you have to kill him to become him. That was cool. After that I came home and watched more football and whatever. I was gonna play some Halo, but didn't feel like it. I am trying to not get burnt out on the game in the first damn week. So I've been browsing the boundless landfill that is the internet.
I've decided I'm not going to spend much money this week or the next. I have to be frugal if I'm gonna be able to do any kind of x-mas shopping or celebration. I should be able to do it, as I've got more entertainment options than most game rooms. I also need to start setting up some time to write, a definite coupla hours to write each day. I have to get focused on something not Halo related for a bit.
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