Now listening to: X (Los Angeles)
Oh man did today start out rough. One of the horrible side effects of getting older is that hangover get worse and worse. This morning I felt like a nucular warhead (four more years of that crap...sigh) had went off in my belly. I woke up at 9 a.m. and didn't go back to bed, which was ok I suppose. I watched most of the Steelers' victory over the Redskins, which was significantly closer than I wanted it to be.
Around 3:30 p.m., Mike picked me up and we went to get Adam and headed to G-Boro. I had a good time hanging out, it's always fun to get the old crew together. Abbie cooked up some excellent vittles and we struck like a cobra. After that we played a little four-way poker tournament with a $20 buy-in. I don't think I played that well, but I managed to trap Nick and ended up taking second place, which meant I got my $20 back. Adam ended up winning the thing, oddly enough and seemed pleased with himself. He made a call I never expected him to make...although I probably should have. I knew he had a hand and he never gives those hands up. Still I was fine with breaking even. Now I am feeling beat, I may be in bed before 3 a.m.
Oh I finished reading the first Lemony Snicket book and it was ok. It's not Harry Potter, but it's aiming at a younger audience I think. I'd give it a foot massage rating overall. I did like the description of the villan Count Olaf and his dank household. Of course I just dig villanous people anyway. I started reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves, a book about grammar, as well. It's gonna be intrigueing to see if it will hold my attention.
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