So I got my mow on today and it wasn't a bad day for it. Overcast and cool, but not cold. It was nice to have a feeling of accomplishing something for a change. I guess I'm not totally satisfied being a complete slacker, just mostly satisfied.
Anyway watched the usual reality tv after that with Trip. I am now a thrall of Donald Trump and I hate it. I also love the perenial Trump "Big Pimp" sequence with him tooling around in a limo and cancelling meetings. That ego stroke must feel awesome for the horribly quaffed one.
I got another email from Gabe today. That's two in two days...three actually since he sent me a photo as well. Check this out:

How awesome is that? Feel safe, for my brother is helping protect the nation from terrorists that hate our freedom. I couldn't be more proud of the goofy bastard.
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