Monday, July 09, 2007

Back on the horse

I managed to talk to both Adam and Mike this week and naturally the discussion turned to football. Because of that I broke down and bought my first fantasy football magazine of the season (ESPN's version, which is not as good as last year, but decent overall). I'd been trying to hold off on my football mania, as last season I started following it before the NFL Draft and stayed with it through the Super Bowl. I gotta tell you those last few weeks of the regular season I kinda was over it.

That sounds like heresy, but if you want to win you gotta pay attention to the details. After nine months of it you can get wore down. But now, with a substantial break, my fervor has been rekindled! It started with that magazine and now I'm watching Sportscenter and NFL Live, looking for podcasts and thinking about draft positions. I'm an addict.

The sporting podcast world is a mixed bag to say the least. I've found a couple of good ones, but also a lot of crap. Just because you like football and have a microphone doesn't mean you should record your thoughts. So far my favorite is the Mysportsradio podcasts. Their "One for the Thumb" Steelers show is mighty. They have other teams represented, so you other guys might want to partake.

Saw Ratatouille with Trip last night and it was awesome. Pixar does not miss. Ok, well Cars wasn't my fav., but considering it was NASCAR related it was pretty good. There is no reason not to see Ratatouille, it's got great voice acting, amazing animation and a charming plot. It's Filet Mignon with upward mobility. I'm not too surprised, the writer/director Brad Byrd did The Incredibles and that is my all time fav. Pixar movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trust me- by Day 5 @ the beach you'll be oozing with footballology. Good times. Of course, if I got screwed the last two years in the playoffs I might reach burn out too. Ahhhh. o.k. maybe not.