Monday, October 24, 2005

Death will be my bride

I got to watch ye olde Steelers lay a pride-obliterating bitch slap down on the Bengals yesterday and that was good. On top of that I won both my fantasy football games this weekend! So it was nice. Maybe I can get back in the game.

Fall has definitely arrived, as it is noce 46-degrees outside. Brrr, I love it. Now that the race fans are gone all is well. Well, not all. The classifieds continue to be empty of decent jobs or even less than decent ones that I can get. Now is the autumn of my discontent.

Anyway not much else is going down. Just got word that Mike is coming in this weekend and we are gonna get a poker game together and watch football. Sounds like a good time to me. I'm definitely looking forward to it.

Tonight I'm gonna head to Trip's for some TV. Hopefully watch a little of the football game. It's funny how much the NFL can do to ease my mind.

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