Sunday, March 07, 2004

Jamming econo

Now listening to: Portishead
Now reading: Our Band Could be Your Life

Well I finally made it through what I consider to be one of the worst weeks of my life. I'm thinking top three. I managed to survive the funeral and make it through the hell like work night tonight. I'm now looking forward to two relaxing days of doing basically what I want.

Work has been such a bitch lately and tonight was no exception. Everything is coming in at the absolute last minute and so I have to ram and jam just to get finished. Lots of deadline pressure. One of the teams managed to penetrate through to the final four in basketball, so I have another week of that crap...and my weekend off gets shut down. Sucks.

I was forced to go to Roanoke for the first day of the state wrestling tournament yesterday. While the idea of going to the Noke for half an event and expecting that to pay off somehow is stupid, the trip was fairly relaxing. I forgot how good that drive is at letting me process my thoughts. I miss that time to think. I have to get my automobile situation figured out soon so I can go back to taking those trips occasionally.

Plus I hit B&N and found the book Our Band COuld Be Your Life on sale, cheap. It's an account of several underground bands of the 80s. So far I've read about Black Flag and the Minutemen and they fucking rule. I love their DIY and selfless attitude. They are bands that actually believed in something more than making money and being a rock star.

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