Saturday, February 28, 2004

Absurdity rules

So it's been an interesting couple of days. Thursday was the worst as wewent to press early due to the "impending" snow, which never amounted to anything. But, as is usual, I finished an hour early and then we went an hour late, so it was two full hours of wishing I were somewhere else. Sucks really.

After that I came home and ate so much pizza that I could barely breathe...not a good thing.

Friday I hung around the house most of the day, playing Balder's gate obsessively. Then I went to Trip's where we playedD&D Heroes, which is really pretty crappy after BG. Not to mention that Trip, Danny, Corb and myself are the worst team of adventurers ever.

Today I get to cover more wrestling! Woo. Kinda stunned with that. But at least I get the next coupla days off. I think I may simply veg, as I need to save some cash. Of course when they get here I'll throw caution to the wind and spend like a total moron.

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