Thursday, February 19, 2004

I need a clone

Now: preparing for bed

It's been a long night. Work was tedious and I just felt ragged out. I had to close out late because of late breaking basketball news. One of those nights where everything had to take forever.

I had planned on a Wal-mart trip after work, but as I was near exhaustion I put it off and came home to watch poker. From there I channel surfed until 3:30 a.m. and am now ridiculously tired. (Here's where you say "Of course you're tired you moron, it's 4 a.m.")

I did finish Angels and Demons last night and haven't really decided what to go to next. I should finish one of the poker books I've got, but those aren't really a great read for fun. I'm torn between Dostoyevsky or Stephan Fry. Decisions, decisions.

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