Sunday, February 22, 2004

My friends are bastards

Now: sitting at Trip's

I'm being berated by Trip and Corb and Corb isn't even here. It's a travesty. We are preparing for an expedition into the hinterlands of Greensboro. Well Corb sold out, so it'll just me Trip, myself and Danny.

Anyway I'm updating from Trip's because my phone is's always something at my apartment. I'm stunned with that sort of's nto working, heat pump installation refrigerator repair...will it ever end?

This weekend has been sorta interesting, hung with Kev and Courtney and Reid on Friday and had a good time. Ended up going to Reid's place and teaching them Hold 'em. Woo, more fish. Saturday was all about the work as I covered the wrestling tournament. Such fuin. OK gotta go.

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