Saturday, June 19, 2004

We is dumb... dumb as hell

Had a good time yesterday. Played COH for most of the afternoon while watching The Royal Tenenbaums (headcavingly orgasmic). The Corb picked me up and we headed to Trip's where we played some Tiger Woods and then discovered capture the flag on Halo. Previously we were purely deathmatch players, but last night the wonder of capture the flag appeared to all. It was good fun. Even as only a deathmatch game Halo was headcavingly orgasmic.

Got home around midnight and hooked up the City of Heroes one more time, taking on a task force mission. This was the first one of these I've done and it kicked ass. It's a series of missions your team does with a running storyline of sorts. Last night we defeated the Clockwork king, which kicked ass. I finally reached 20th level and all is well. I may try to get in another run at it tonight...depending on how draining work is.

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