Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Insert crappy life joke here

Still not feeling great. I slept in and haven't done a damn thing all day outside of browse the internet. I think Trip and I are going to Danville for some Spidey 2 love and dinner. I may get NFL Street in spite of myself. I keep playing it at Trip's and have gotten addicted. I'll probably end up trading it in when NCAA 2005 comes out.

Tomorrow I HAVE to go by the employment office. I need to get a regular source of cash. I just hate beauracracy and lines.

I've been reading some Norse myths for the last coupla days. It's slow going, as I have a full video game and dvd schedule, but they are very interesting. For one thing I like names that start with the letters Hr or Hv. They just sound cool. Also I really dig Odin. You have to respect a guy who hung himself from a tree for 9 days just to get a sip from the spring for wisdom.

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