Friday, December 19, 2003

I fell asleep on my arm

Now listening to: The Aquabats

So while trip and I were debating the relative significance of LOTR vs. Star Wars, we passingly mentioned movies that are better than both, which naturally made me start thinking in terms of a list of my all-time fav. movies. This is a tough list, but here I go:

5) High Fidelity- Well this movie has everything I want. Hot women, John Cusack playing his typical semi-nerdy good guy, Jack Black and really, really awesome music. How I'd love to own a record store. Did I mention that Nick Hornby wrote the book it was based on? Well he did and it was awesome too.

4) Natural Born Killers- I know this movie gets a lot of flack for being over the top, but really that was the whole point. Mindless violence, carnage and an in-your-face presentation. So many different types of film used, animation mixed into the regular footage with no rhyme or reason and a soundtrack put together by Trent Reznor for a total assault on the senses.

3) Royal Tenenbaums- this Wes Anderson movie is one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's just what I want from a movie. It's not really overly exciting and really aside from the impeccable suicide scene not a lot really goes on. It's all understated. It's like a Salinger story pumped up a notch, with wonderful set designs.

2) Caddyshack- The single most funny movie ever. It has genius after genius in the movie. Bill Murray the funniest person to ever walk the earth. Chevy Chase, when his schtick wasn't played out. Rodney Dangerfield, who you can't help but laugh at and then you add his off color comments oh man. Let's not forget Ted Knight as Judge Smails...oh man is he funny.

1) Fight Club- This movie was a complete surprise and simply awesome. It has everything, a snarky sense of humor, incredibly violent scenes and a premise that won't quit. I can't explain how wonderful it is. It's the quintessential male movie. A touch of twisted romance makes it a little softer, but only a tad. Oh and the ending of exploding building set to the Pixies' Where is my made me feel warm all over. And so it tops the rankings.

Other notables that just didn't make the list: Mallrats, Reservoir Dogs, Animal House, Empire Strikes Back, You've got Mail, Billy Madison, The Matrix, The Seven Samurai, Any of the LOTR movies, Swingers...I could go on all day. I think that's enough.

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