Thursday, April 15, 2004

Nobody hates me more than me

Now listening to: Modest Mouse

Well I'm feeling kinda depressed. All this rain is bringing me down, well that and a few other things. I just feel separate from everything right now. I'm caught in a circle where I live for the weekends and those aren't that interesting really.

Couple that with the fact that I don't really get a weekend this week and I'm pretty fucking glum. I'm only off Friday and I know that's gonna stun me.

Plus I'm thirsty and need something to drink. And so on and so on... I think listening to Elliot Smith earlier also brought me down. He's kind of depressive.

I've been up all night not doing anything in particular, downloading Invader Zim episodes (which are hysterical). I can't get enough of them. Gotta love Gir, although Gaz is my favorite. She's the most antisocial, hence I can relate.

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