Friday, April 23, 2004

PLEASE, bury me with it

Well I just finished up a nice five hour marathon session of Diablo 2. What brought it to an end, you ask? Well I died for the first time. So after sorting through and getting my character back I decided to call it quits. I had intended on doing some other stuff, but Diablo played his sweet song and I was captured.

Today went pretty smoothly, I minimized my time at work (although not as much as I would have liked. I intended to see Kill Bill 2, but work went longer that I wanted) Hand a nice dinner a la the Kiwani's Pancake Day and then came home and watched a little tv. I watched one of the final Friends episodes and have to say, I don't give a fuck. God the show is on cruise control. Same jokes as a decade ago. Give me a break. Taking it off the air is a mercy killing, of course, I'm sure there will be mourning in the streets when it's gone. What a sad world we live in.

After leaving work I stopped at the bookstore to pick up A Clash of Kings and Greg was working. He owed me $10, but I wasn't gonna sweat him about it. But he offered it up immediately without any reminder or anything. It was a smalll, but important statement about the kind of guy Greg is, straight up. You've got to respect that.

I have to rise before noon tomorrow so I'm headed to bed.

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