Thursday, September 02, 2004

Function is the key

Now listening to: Fugazi

Still feeling ill, the battle with allergens continues unabated. Slacked off most of the day (I know all of you are shocked). I played a little Prince of Persia, which is pretty sweet, but I'm not sure if I'll have the patience to puzzle out all the things I need to do to get from point a to point b. Still it is a well engineered game.

I also went to Trip's for a while and we watched a little TV and then The Italian Job. No not the one with Marky Mark, the original with Michael Caine. It was another case of the slow starting 60s movie. The last half an hour was cool, it was the first hour that really sucked the life out of me. I did like the cliffhanging ending. Still I'm saying Meh.

We then watched Dick Cheney's speech, which throughly pissed me off. Are the Republicans capable of talking without spouting lies and digs at their opponents? Doesn't seem to be the case. We then watched The Daily Show, which had a nice segment on Bush's handling of the war in Iraq. A nice take on how Bush's words haven't ever matched up with the actions. Not surprising, coming from the propaganda machine the Republicans have in place.

I just read an article on Salon about the Republicans' negative oriented campaign tactics. Those guys are just brutal and ignore the facts completely. It's not surprising, they are fascists looking to keep their death grip on America and the world intact. I swear if they win the next election I don't think I'm gonna be able to stand it. The only hope would be that some good oppressed music would come out of it. You'll note that after 12 years of Republican rule, 1992 saw the grunge/alterna-rock scene break out. I'd say there was a definite correlation there.

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