Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Governed by big money

Now listening to:Interpol

Saw Farenheit 911 on Tuesday, with Trip and Corb. I wasn't feeling well and the movie really did nothing to improve my mood. I walked out of the theatre completely pissed off and wanting blood. I can't believe that those are the people we allow to govern us. Ignorance, dirty dealing and manipulation, that's what the American political system is based on these days. I was outraged. When a senator tells me (via the movie) that they don't read most of the stuff they pass in congress, that tells me that we really need to change something.

Because I have such a visceral reaction to the film I have to give it high marks. It made me feel something, deep in my person. It wasn't a positive feeling, but it was something and it seemed honest. I admit Michael Moore can be really heavy handed and is intent on getting his version of things through, but when he's presenting facts and honest footage of the war and our government then you have to take note.

I honestly have no idea how people can vote for the Republicans. I'm not sure what their issues are or why people continue to support them. What good do they do? I know the Democrats are really the people I want elected, but between the two there seems to be little choice. Do people really hate gays that much? Cause that seems to be the biggest argument. Oh and cutting taxes for the extreme rich, that's an important issue for the common man... *sigh*

Anyway, on to less politically volatile topics. I just came home last night and finished All Tomorrow's Parties, which was excellent. I'm saying Foot Massage rating.

Today I did fuck all. I played a bit of COH, not a lot really, then I watched a bunch of TV. I was feeling particularly antisocial and just laid about on the couch. I watched the first 2004 World Series of Poker broadcasts, which were pretty cool. They are covering the other tournaments now, in addition to the main event. It was the first time I ever saw stud played on tv. I also talked to my aunt Yvonne and we commiserated over the sad political state of things.

That's about it. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do now. I may read, I may write. I may play COH, hopefully tomorrow will be a more social day.

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