Thursday, November 18, 2004

Amped up

I am coming down off a ridiculous feeling of irritation. I was playing Halo and the lag was killing me. On top of that I was getting frustrated and not playing well at all. Of course I played my first clan match (I'm in the cheapassgamer clan) while all this was going on and that only made me more annoyed as I continued to up the suckage.

After realizing that playing more was only gonna be more irritating, I shut it all down and decided to hit the interweb. Of course it is still hotter than hell here (I'm sure my downstairs neighbors have the heat turned all the way up.) and that's only making things worse. I am sipping a beer to try to tamp down the inferno that is my annoyance. It's quite tasty, actually. The beer that is...not my annoyance.

So today I did fuck all. Sat around and watched tv and played Halo 2. That's it...not other goals set or accomplished. God I'm a slackass. Tomorrow I'm gonna do some manual labor so I had to rest up. That's how I'm rationalizing it to myself.

I did get an email from my brother and that's cool. He's ultra busy, what with work, a wife and the stork zeroed in on his house. He finally got a computer, so maybe I'll get to hear from him more often. I hope so.

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